Are you a college student in need of a bank account? If you sign up with Chase College Checking account as a new customer, you are rewarded with a $100 bonus through qualifying activities. When you bank with Chase, you have easy access to more than 16,000 ATM’s and over 5,000 branches from state to state. It also has its beneficial perks, when you use the QuickPay method through the Chase application to be able send and receive money within minutes.
In order to open an account, you must be a student from the ages 17 to 24 years old and are able to provide a student ID or proof of enrollment from the school you are currently attending. No monthly service fee is added when you open an account until the expected graduation date.
To receive the bonus: you must open an account, deposit $25 or more at account opening, sign up for the Chase Checking Paperless statements within 60 days, and complete at least 10 transactions within the account opening. After you have completed these requirements, Chase will deposit the bonus on your account within 10 business days. Offer is valid until January 1, 2019.
For more information head over to the nearest Chase bank in your area.
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