For college students that don’t have a bank account it would be a good idea to start thinking about opening one. Having a bank account can be very beneficial and the earlier you have one the better. Chase has this deal for college students where if they open a college checking account today they will be able to receive $50. Not only do the students get an easy $50 there’s also a lot of benefits that come with having a checking account with Chase. Benefits include having a mobile check deposit which makes it simple to check your account and deposit money, no need to go to the bank and wait in line. Also there’s text banking which can give you updates on your account. Bankers will also help guide you towards the best plan available. Chase would also monitor your account to make sure that no one else can steal your money. Chase has also made it easier to split checks with Chase Quickpay. You also no longer need paper to create statements, it is all online.
To get this offer all you have to do is follow some simple steps. For starters this offer only applies to those that don’t already have an account with Chase, and those that have fiduciary accounts or have closed an account within 90 days or closed with a negative balance are also not allowed to open an account. Once you have opened an account you must deposit $25 into the account opening. Make sure to do all this withing 60 days. Log in to your Chase account and enroll for Chase Checking Paperless Statement. Afterwards you have to make at least 10 more transactions into your account. Ten business days after you have completed these steps you will receive $50 into your Chase account.
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