If you need to find out what your credit score is, look no further than Credit Karma, a complete free credit scoring and ways to improve your credit. All of this comes with no cost whatsoever! This is not a trial membership or needing a credit card number to get your score. They have many ways to save you money such as insurance, bank info, and so on. It’s important to find your credit score for making a big purchase such as buying a car or a house. You will not get a hit on your credit report by going through Credit Karma!
Continental Airlines OnePass® Plus Card $50 Bonus and 30,000 Free Miles
Sign up for the Continental Airlines OnePass® Plus Card and get a $50 statement credit along with 30,000 free miles with no annual fee for the first year. That’s a savings of $85. Some travel perks include free checked bag with Continental, primary rental car and travel insurance, and concierge service.
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