Remember all those times in college and you were paying up out of this world on interest rate with credit cards? Well, it’s time for payback and use Credit Cards to “game the system” for maximizing your cash back.
Unless you have the Schwab Invest First card, the only other 2% cash back on All PURCHASES is the Fidelity Investment Rewards American Express(no annual fee). In addition to opening the credit card, Fidelity makes you open an account with them in order to get the 2%.
The Schwab is no longer available and it works the same way. It’s easy to set up whereas you can cash out via ACH transfer to your bank account.
When you open a Fidelity account, make sure to ask for the MySmartCash and have it link to your new Fidelity card. In doing this, your cash back automatically deposit into a MySmartCash account which is like a checking account.
If you want to go “gangsta” and maximize your cash back, then set up a rotation of cards such as Discover More($100 bonus), Chase Freedom($100 bonus), and Amex Blue Cash($25 bonus) for 5% cash back on rotating categories such as gas, drugstores, supermarkets, etc.
Also, you can get $50 bonus + 30000 bonus miles(enough for a free roundtrip ticket) with the Chase Continental Airlines. No annual fee for the first year, so make sure to cancel before your 1 year anniversary.
Discuss more strategies on cash back with this Fidelity Invest Rewards Card in our Forums.
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