The Wells Fargo Cash Wise Visa Card is a credit card that provides many benefits to the customer when they choose to apply. Not only it gives you cash back and rewards, there are many features this credit card will provide.
When applying for the Wells Fargo Credit Card, annual fees aren’t required. According to my past experiences when talking to other companies, additional fees are required when opening up a credit card. This is a hassle to some others while some may not want to pay more fees,which is why the Wells Fargo Credit Card is very beneficial. Another benefit this credit card will provide are rewards. If you spend at least $1000 using the card, you will be able to receive $200 Cash Rewards bonus. Also, when making a pay using Apple or Android Pay, you can earn 1.8% cash rewards for 12 months. To add, you don’t have to worry about finding a Wells Fargo ATM anywhere. There are more than 13,000 Wells Fargo ATM’s nationwide when getting cash redemption from your rewards. Another feature this card will provide are the 1.5% cash rewards earned for every $1 spent in net purchases when using the card. However, you must know that pre-paid gift cards, casino gaming chips, wire transfers, and more will not let you earn cash rewards.
The Wells Fargo Credit Card is very safe and protective to use. You don’t have to worry about your card getting stolen or having someone steal your identity because of the chip inserted in the card. Not only this credit card will protect yourself, but on your cell phone as well when you decide to apply for a Wells Fargo Credit Card. You will get up to $600 of protection when you pay your monthly cell phone bill using the credit card.
To conclude, the Wells Fargo Credit Card will provide you so many benefits and rewards that will not only help you save money, but is efficient as well. The ATMs will be everywhere and lots of cash rewards will be earned if you spend a specific amount of money or paying with your Wells Fargo credit as described above.
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